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Alongside the best whisky brands that have been pleasing lovers of the spirit for years comes a new influx of distilleries making subtle differences to switch things up.

These whisky brands are introducing unique flavor profiles, unusual ageing methods, and thinking up new tricks as time passes to keep the drink at the forefront of our minds.

The best whisky brands of 2022

So you know how to drink whiskey and now you’re wondering what are the best whiskeys out there?

Whether it’s a high-end whiskey or a budget-friendly whiskey there are so many to choose from.

Here we introduce a list of 10 whiskies that you’ll want to add to your shopping list as soon as possible.

how do you properly pronounce whiskey terms like islay 2

How Do You Properly Pronounce Whiskey Terms Like Islay?

Learn how to pronounce whiskey terms like Islay correctly and impress fellow enthusiasts. This guide provides pronunciation tips and a pronunciation guide for common whiskey terms. Don’t miss out on enhancing your linguistic skills and enjoying every sip of whiskey like a true connoisseur.